Mindset Check with Katanya Nova
Mindset Check is an innovative approach curated by Katanya Nova, drawing on sophisticated Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques and Emotional Intelligence principles. Over the past decade and a half, Katanya has refined this methodology through her personal development and healing journey. Today, she extends her invaluable insights to clients and a broad social media following of over 120,000, teaching them to cultivate awareness and develop the ability to navigate life's hurdles with grace. Through Mindset Check, Katanya offers a transformative perspective to foster an optimistic view of life. She crafts and shares uplifting Mindset Check messages, encouraging a shift towards positive thinking. Central to her philosophy is the conviction that our emotions, thoughts, beliefs, energy, and words shape our reality.
Mindset Check with Katanya Nova
Unveiling Narcissistic Red Flags for Emotional Well-being
Embark on a revealing exploration with me, Katanya Nova, as we traverse the treacherous terrain of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) and unveil the transformative Mindset Check model in our latest episode. Discover the subtle line where self-confidence ends and the darker spectrum of narcissism begins, gaining invaluable insight into grandiose, overt, malignant, and covert narcissists.
By dissecting their behavior, understanding their need for admiration, and unmasking their manipulative tactics, you'll learn to protect your emotional well-being and recognize the red flags in relationships that may otherwise have gone unnoticed.
Stay connected for future episodes where we'll continue to nurture a supportive network committed to fostering self-awareness and building a more empathetic world.
To learn more about how you can work with Katanya, go to www.katanyanova.com.
Welcome to the Mindset Check podcast. I am Katanya Nova, your host, life coach and creator of Mindset Check. Welcome. Before I get started, I want to share with you what the Mindset Check model is. This is a method I created and I teach this to my coaching clients as well as my audience on social media whenever I do my live coaching. It is a self-coaching method. It's about being aware with your mindset. It's cognitive awareness and, along with that, being emotionally in tune. Emotional awareness while checking in with your overall state of being, not just your mind, not just your emotions, but also checking in with your body in order to better self-manage and regulate yourself. This is the key to this Mindset Check model. It's having the right strategies to better self-manage or coach yourself towards a healthier and positive outcome In this process. You practice this method over and over again. You will have a better experience in relationship with yourself because, in reality, emotional intelligence is about your relationship with yourself first, how well you know yourself, how well in tune you are with yourself, and then practicing this method then makes you become effective with your interactions with others, helping you become emotionally mature and increasing your emotional intelligence.
Speaker 1:The topic I want to talk about today is about narcissistic personality disorders. This is a popular topic today. Whenever I open up my social media app, whether it is Instagram or TikTok, there's a lot of conversations that are happening about this topic, and whenever I do my live coaching, I often get asked about how to overcome or break up with people who they think has a narcissistic personality disorder. Before I go into it, I want to say that it requires a medical professional to diagnose someone with an MPV. Just because someone exhibit a narcissistic behavior doesn't necessarily make them someone who is pathological or psychotic. A common one that people think about when they think of narcissists is the grandiose person. Someone who overinflates themselves in the eyes of the public may want to get validation from a lot of people. They may have an elitist mindset as well. They are highly entitled, and people with a grandiose personality think that they are special and have people around that will cater to their needs and desires. Now, there's a lot of mislabeling happening right now on social media because there are a lot of influencers, and we do have to be careful in identifying someone who has confidence in self-love to someone who is a grandiose narcissist and, at the end of the day, one of the indicators that I use is how they treat people around them, because someone who is a narcissist has little and no regard for others, only want people around them for their benefit. Now, the grandiose narcissist may overlap with someone who is an over-narcissist. Again, someone who is in your face up front kind of has a lot of the traits of a grandiose narcissist. But these are also people who are aggressive publicly, who are mean to people especially weight staff, uber drivers blatantly rude and over-narcissists. Like people around them. That will make them feel good because these folks are upholding an image of perfection. I like to say they collect a group of people that enables them, praise them, makes them feel good because someone who is an overt narcissist really truly think that the world revolves around them.
Speaker 1:Another type of narcissist is the malignant narcissist and these people are hurtful. Now, how they have become a malignant narcissist? It can very well be from a traumatic past experience, something really hurtful during childhood, and they have been taken advantage of from a very young age. So they grow up to be adults they also take on that dog eat dog mentality. They tend to take advantage of people. They also tend to be pathological liars. They play the victim as well, and they use any tactic and means of manipulation to get what they want, how they want, and some people may also do this. Some malignant narcissist may also do this, forcefully or covertly, just depending on the situation, exhibit antisocial personality or paranoid that people around them are out to get them.
Speaker 1:And the last one I'm going to mention is the passive, aggressive, covert narcissist, and this one is hard to detect. There's more out there than we think, because these people are your perfect lady and gentleman to the public. They've got great charm. They are the first to help others when help is needed. Once again, they put a perfect persona to the public and it is a front socially, whether in business or in their community. But behind closed doors, covert narcissist is especially harmful to the person they're in relationship with or to their entire family unit. A lot of passive, aggressive, covert narcissist can be classified as introverts, but not all.
Speaker 1:And now you can tell if you are with a passive, aggressive, covert narcissist. They constantly criticize you and are negative to you. Behind closed doors they're hard to please, they're highly insecure, they may cause fights and blame you for things you didn't do. And the very aim of a co-passive, aggressive narcissist is that you cater to their every need, you focus on them 100%, that they are the ones you worship at all times. If not, if your attention goes elsewhere, you will experience their wrath. They will break you down, criticize you, pick fights with you, may even turn your friends against you, as well as your family members. What they all have in common I've mentioned lack of empathy, big insecurity, that they need people to validate that they're all good enough, that they're perfect. They crave some form of power and control. They must be or feel superior over you. If not, then you will feel the wrath of the narcissist.
Speaker 1:I've only shared super high level, very general information about the different types of narcissists. In the show notes you will find different books I highly recommend you look into and read. These books will give you insights as well as the different negative behavioral traits to look out for. They're well-equipped and know how to avoid a person who may be narcissistic. Know how to protect yourself if you are in a relationship with a narcissist Good information to know so you can have a better relationship with yourself and protect yourself from these types of harmful people.
Speaker 1:While this wraps up this episode of Mindset Check, I hope you enjoy this program. If you think someone may benefit from the information I shared in today's episode, feel free to share it with your family and friends, because sharing is caring. Make sure to follow me on social media. The information can be found in the show notes of this episode and if you want to learn more about what I do and how to work with me as a life coach, make sure to go to GatanyaNovacom and stay tuned for the next episode of Mindset Check and until next time. Bye for now.