Mindset Check with Katanya Nova

Uninstalling the Past: Your Journey to Acceptance and Forgiveness

Katanya Nova Season 2 Episode 11

Are you tired of clinging to the past? This conversation will guide you through the transformative journey of forgiving others and, most importantly, yourself. Learning to let go of the poison of resentment is a daily practice, and Katanya is here to provide strategies to redirect your negative thoughts toward self-forgiveness. 

Also, have you ever wondered what's stopping you from touching that zenith of growth? Katanya will reveal how societal conditioning, trauma, and negative thinking are the villains obstructing your personal development. On a lighter note, we also interpret the symbolism of water and houses in dreams and link them to your emotional states. And yes, we assure you that after listening to this episode, you'll be ready to embrace change and conquer your fear of the unknown.

Finally, we address the elephant in the room – relationships and the power of letting go. Katanya highlights how focusing on being the best version of ourselves and accepting that relationships may not last will help you embrace the art of acceptance. Have you ever thought about how clinging onto past relationships is like having unnecessary apps installed on your phone, draining your energy? Let's uninstall those apps and make space for new experiences because the key to moving on is acceptance, forgiveness, and releasing negative thoughts and emotions. Let's tune in and commence this journey of self-discovery together.

To learn more about how you can work with Katanya, go to www.katanyanova.com.

Katanya Nova:

Have a really hard forgiving. Do you have any suggestions? Mojito 327. And, by the way, as soon as I lock in on a question, I I'm not going to again active we answering people's questions and also seeing your comment, fyi. And, by the way, like I try to spread out my energy, meaning my time, right to other people as well, really hard time forgiving. Do you have any suggestion? It's a daily practice. It's a daily practice which means Forgiveness first starts with yourself.

Katanya Nova:

Best practice of forgiveness is first with yourself. How do I mean by this? For example, if someone wronged you, right, if someone wronged you, obviously you're going to direct your energy outward, but in this process, internally you are bothered by it. It takes it's living rent free in your mind. So if it's living rent free in your mind, the other person is not affected by you thinking about how you can't forgive them. So I'd like to always Share this with people who has a hard time with either forgiveness or envy or jealousy, and the saying is this when you have ill and negative feelings or thoughts that you have created that you're holding on to in your mind and in your in your heart.

Katanya Nova:

It's like you drinking poison with wishing and hoping the other person to die when in reality you're the only one who's miserable in this process. This is why forgiveness is so important. And so let's say you are pissed off at someone because you feel like you've been wronged. You can act. You can act, mean to them, be passive, aggressive towards them, ignore them and all during this time you are harboring feelings because you have a certain expectation that they should come to you and say sorry to you. A lot of times, people who have wronged you will never come around full circle to you to say I'm sorry, and these are things that people hold on to. That is really hurting you more than anyone else. So the practice of forgiveness, as mentioned, happens daily and often, if you think about again Incident, the person is living in your conscious state, rent-free. You're the one being bothered by it, not them, who would like for them to be bothered, but in reality you're bothered. They have nothing to do with you being bothered and being upset over not forgiving them. I hope you're following and I hope this is making sense and thank you for all the gifts. Dustin, appreciate you when you start to feel and think ill and say how dare they? They wrong me.

Katanya Nova:

This is, this is a process for forgiveness. Seriously. You have to catch yourself. They know what. I forgive myself Because I'm being hard on myself. It's really, it's self-infliction. You're self-inflicting this energy or this emotion and thought onto yourself, no one else, and then you go. You know what this is. I practice this and I say I don't want to just bless them from afar. I forgive this person from afar and I wish, wish them very best and ask for me. I want to forgive myself that I'm wasting my time on this. Right me, forgive myself. I'm going to give myself a lot of love, I'm going to give myself a lot of grace.

Katanya Nova:

And you have to instantly Catch yourself when you catch yourself thinking ill and negative about someone, regardless of the situation. Because in this process, as you start to forgive yourself in real time, when it happens, it minimizes your negativity onto yourself. It minimizes ill thoughts, ill emotions and again, it's not to anybody else. You're doing it All by yourself, to yourself, 24, 7 and, as mentioned, when you are stuck, and this will get you stuck. When you're stuck, it prevents you from living your life in a positive way. It prevents you from Creating, it prevents you from joy, it prevents you from laughter, it prevents you from you yourself enjoying yourself.

Katanya Nova:

Forgiveness is not meant for anybody else, although that is the ideal situation that people can come and say I'm so sorry, I've wronged you, but that usually doesn't happen and frame melona, thank you. Forgiveness is for you. Exactly, elaine. Forgiveness is for you, and so if you're feeling stuck, even with past stuff, if you're holding on to it, you haven't quite forgiven yourself. And this is sort of the forgiveness I'm forgiving myself, that I'm holding on to this not serving me. Well, how can I be loving to myself at this moment? How can I be At peace with this? It's really about peace, of forgiveness is your path, pathway to personal and internal peace.

Katanya Nova:

And you're very welcome, mojito. You're so right, thank you. I feel it's a muscle I need to learn and use and you hit the Nail on the head and if anything else it is, it's a your forgiveness muscle. Right, and the we're not taught to do this. We're not the world. The world thrives in drama, the world thrives in or other people. Let's just say that right. But guess what, unless you have awareness, you won't know.

Katanya Nova:

And this is what I usually share here when I come on live or go on live, and also in my videos is hey, you have to be self-aware, because self-awareness Is basically your course to getting back to self, your course to getting right with yourself, the course Finding peace in yourself, and you do have to figure it out. You're right, elaine, and Elaine is sweet serenity, guys. So in case you're saying like, who is the lane, it's sweet serenity, make sure to follow her. She's an awesome human being. Vaj, right, vaj, if I said that, right, the world thrives on blaming. It's just easier, it is just easier and some people are addicted to it. But let's not worry about the world, right? Let's just kind of.

Katanya Nova:

You know that this is my view. I see what's going on around the world. Let the other people do that. But for the people who are looking for Personal freedom, feeling more love, more peace, more at ease, more and flow, this is the spot for a year, because you can only make a difference first in yourself, and, and, and, believe me, when it, when you work on this, when you find peace in yourself and you reframe how you view yourself and what's going on around the world, it does change your life, or the better or the better. Let's see here how do you know? You forgave and now you can move on. Do you still feel the pain? And Una 1111, I love that, una.

Katanya Nova:

It's again, it's an ongoing process, it is. It's not a one-time event and, believe me, comes back because this is sort of the dilemma of the mind, right? And believe me when I say a lot of people's turmoil really has nothing to do with the outside world. We think it's the outside world that's doing that for us, but if you think about it, you are with yourself 24 seven, and when you go through difficult challenges in life or you're going through your own pain, no one else is around you but you.

Katanya Nova:

As mentioned, the process of forgiveness happens often daily, multiple times a day. So if it comes up again, over and over again, here it is again. Catch yourself like I forgive, I forgive. Whatever was done to me was a great learning experience and right now I'm going to give myself a lot of love, because peace is what I'm seeking. Love is what I'm seeking. And how can I put myself at ease so I can have more joy, right? So, again, I'm speaking this out because this is really what a person is seeking and wanting, but often what happens, people get stuck in the negative emotion and a negative feeling, and it's sometimes you just don't realize that your head is in the mud and you can't see clearly what you really need to be focusing on. And another thing is what you focus on expanse. I have a lot of things that come up often on a daily basis from my past, from other people, and I do.

Katanya Nova:

This is about self management, self regulation and their time. So I'm like I don't want to be nice right now. Fucker, I hate that person. And again, I'm just being honest, right, and this is the truth of it. This is not about, oh my gosh, I'm so perfect and so all the time, it's a conscious effort. This is the beauty of awareness and I just say, all right, here we go. Am I done? Getting pissed off, am I done? Am I done? This is me and I have to take, I have to be light with it because it affects me. It doesn't affect anybody else but me. All right, fine, I'm done. Let's go have some ice cream, katanya. Let's go open up a book, let's go watch something funny.

Katanya Nova:

And this is about self management, because you just have to redirect yourself, choosing right things for yourself. Remember, I don't know if you started at the very top when I started this live is mindset check. It's about knowing your thoughts, knowing your emotions, being able to self manage and regulate in this process, picking the right things and Una, you're very welcome. The choosing and picking the right things and I mentioned at first the right things are difficult, but only if you make it difficult, right? Ice cream yum, yum. I know, being here in Asia it's humid. Ice cream is like perfect, but I'm like I'm eating way too much ice cream.

Katanya Nova:

Going back to what I was saying here is yeah, I forgot. I forgot what I was saying. It is. It is okay, it's about self care. No one else will do it for you. Negative emotions come up. I do like to be light about it, because you guys know the feeling of negativity thinking, thinking, dwelling on the pain, dwelling on other people's issues, when you again, you can't control anyone outside of who you are and what you are and the way you're living, the only thing you have the ability to do is the only thing that you have the ability to do is redirect your course, your life. I have a gauge, so develop some type of a gauge system for yourself when you get to a certain feeling that you need to ease up, you need to kind of release yourself from moving into it. When you're at peace here, you just show up better for yourself and you just show up better for your life. Mary-elly, thank you, you seriously can re-transform yourself by the process of forgiving yourself every single day, as many times on any given day, and really, some of the things to aspire Again.

Katanya Nova:

I can't change anyone here. I'm only sharing with you what has worked for me and, regardless of what's going on in my life, I'm not going to say I don't get upset, I do. I'm not going to say I don't cry, I cry a lot. You guys some of you guys have seen me cry here and you know what those things are. I don't let those things dwell. I free myself up in my mind and in my heart space because it prevents me from living, it prevents me from creating, it prevents me from enjoying the things I enjoy, right, sean? And believe me, I want to say the last 48 hours were highly intense and emotional for me. You just never know when these emotions are going to hit me and I'm like I know I don't want to cry anymore. It's just because I'm missing my daughters, that's all. It's missing my daughters, and I've been having some crazy dreams too.

Katanya Nova:

And even those dreams, like, they, bring up the past and it triggers it's not other people too. Externally, it's again what comes up for you, whether in your dream state, whether you're in your waking state that this thing's happened. But it's what you do during. That point of trigger will make a difference. Whether you're going to create yourself your own internal hell or create yourself your own internal heaven. Let's see, I get intrusive dreams. I don't like it. Your dream state tells you a lot about your current state, your life. You, you are life. Again, it's not things that are happening outside. You're perceiving the world in taking it into your conscious mind, getting into your unconscious state. Think that you share this.

Katanya Nova:

Now I'm going to have used the analogy of a vehicle. I'm going to use the analogy of a computer, of a computer. I like to say that too, you are a computer. When you're in your dream state, it's just now. Your computer is just idle and up, but behind the scenes you still have processes. That's running behind the scenes. And imagine you come into this world. You're preloaded with an operating system and, by the way, we are are preloaded with what we're supposed to do here. But in this process comes with it a lot of bloatware. I know that's sort of like. What is bloatware? Well, bloatware are manufacturer installed apps and whatnot that you didn't want, and bloatware can be generational conditioning that you didn't know that were installed in your computer and then it bugs the hell out of you until you actually look into your installed programs and scan what kind of software and, by the way, you go through life and you pick up some eyewear, viruses, key loggers. You know malicious software Unless you examine all of your installed apps.

Katanya Nova:

It manifests in so many different ways. Thank you, guys. And it's dreams, especially if it's negative and it's repetitive, and I'm going to share with you some things that I know. I see when they come up in my dream, I know exactly what they are and it comes back to me. But go back to your computer. Which is you? What are some software that's currently running?

Katanya Nova:

Some of them you may be aware of and some of them it could be. Unconscious, can take you some time. Unconscious could be like automatic negative thinking, automatic negative judgment of others. These are again a lot of those software that you never questioned and you're like I think it's just me. This is just how I think and I'm highly skeptical and I don't like. I don't like people, right, these are things that could be hindering you. Take a look at your installed programs, start identifying them and see how you can start uninstalling them. It could be as immediate when you recognize that you're like I'm not doing that anymore, I'm uninstalling that shit, right. Or you can say I'm going to do my best and some could be that trauma, right, and you didn't know that it got in virus. Think about these things as viruses. We hold on to them way longer than we need to and this is why forgiveness is so important, because it's sort of like your immediate remedy to acceptance, releasing, learning and moving on.

Katanya Nova:

Going back and thank you, berto, for sharing that Guess a lot of it is that trauma, but again, a lot of it is conditional, generational lineage conditioning, societies conditioning. And, by the way, there's also one called Andrew Tate in there for our audience. You better uninstall that shit Called Andrew Tate. Uninstall Not only harmful to you, it's also harmful to your beautiful women out there. Uninstall that shit. And here's the thing. Going back to you, vaj, I'll give you some ideas because I love this stuff. I'm highly in tune with myself. I'm highly in tune. I'm just. This is just me and this is the gift that I share with you guys. You can be a different perspective Again. I can't change anyone. I can only share with you what's worked for me, what I also share with other people that I know has made a difference in thousands of people's lives that I have had an honor to cross paths with in my dream.

Katanya Nova:

Whenever you see water and, by the way, sometimes we dream in symbols Everything is symbolic. We interpret even the outside world in symbols A lot of ancient knowledge that are actually more advanced. We think we're advanced now. Nothing is new under the sun. Water. When you see water in your dreams, it's your emotions. Whenever I see emultuous water, when I'm on sea and it's choppy, dark and I'm nervous, I was like when I wake up, I'm feeling it right now. I know the reason why I'm in. That is because I'm a little bit emotionally not in the right place. Even if you see tsunami, it could be an overwhelming feeling of emotion. Water represents your emotions. You know what I love? Oh my gosh, when I dream, when it's the water oh my gosh. I've had dreams where there are blue, clear ocean and I'm swimming in it. Oh, I love those dreams and I dream like I love. Whenever I see it, I just become joyful because I'm like exactly this is the kind of dream that I want, because it's a direct reflection of my emotional state. Water, and I love it.

Katanya Nova:

When you see a house and a lot of people dream a lot about a house and I'll share with you my experience when I was younger but a house represents you and if you have a repetitive dream of your house being haunted, of you finding yourself in a haunted house, it speaks and tells you that internally in your house there's a lot of turmoil too, not from an emotional state, but from this whole emotion like fear state. You're in a lot of fear and water flows. Absolutely, your house represents you, your innermost parts of yourself that you didn't even realize. And when I was younger, actually, a lot of dreams in water, a lot of dreams inside a house, and for the longest time I used to dream and I would be scared and there was just this door. There was just this door that I was just so scared to walk into. Good, joey, I'm glad you're relaxed. Everyone here is relaxed too. Join the crew, because it is late, let's relax. I want you guys to go to bed Really nice to get you in a good mental, emotional, easy state. The sleeping also allows you to heal, not just in your mind emotion but heal physically as well, recharge.

Katanya Nova:

So anyway, I had this dream for years and I think I didn't open that door until my mid-20s, maybe even later, when I finally stopped, somehow took charge during that dream and, by the way, now I'm highly I participate in my dream, right, I participate like in a video game, like I'm not just aimlessly, just allowing things although sometimes there's that but sometimes, like I fully aware, consciously engage in my dream state. But going back to this dream about me being so afraid to walk into this door, and finally I was just like, why am I so afraid? And I opened the door and it was just empty. It was just open. Actually, there were a lot of lights coming in from the window. It was actually beautiful. It was a great thing for me to overcome.

Katanya Nova:

And this is where a lot of people are fearful of the unknown. And what are you missing on the other side? For me, it was just like why was I so afraid of to walk into this, open this door and walk into it. There was nothing scary about it. This was me like overcoming this fear, overcoming the unknown, fear of change, absolutely. And I do see two questions. But I wanna finish my train of thought for and then I'll address the two questions that I see right at the lane. It's fear of change, it's the fear of the unknown.

Katanya Nova:

And then actually just had a recent dream when I was still in San Diego. I was in my house and then I started to open drawers and my drawers were full of water. They were closed in there but they're full of water, and I knew immediately what that was. I still have pockets and hidden parts of myself that needed me, needed to open and explore. And this is the complex. Actually it doesn't have to be complex. Remember water drawers, drawers. You shut it and you never see what's inside. All right, so it's like if I don't see it, it doesn't matter, if I don't see it, then you sorta like then I'm gonna forget about it.

Katanya Nova:

But in my dream, for me, I'm not one to avoid stuff. But in my dream it told me Again, I'm giving you an explanation when you do dream and, by the way, your symbols may be different than my symbols and you have to sit on it and trust yourself and maybe even journal. And for me, there are times that I have dreams and I don't have a direct interpretation. I don't even like dwell on it. I will write it down and I just sort of like what does this mean for me, what's the message here? And I just sort of forget about it. And I love those moments that I'm just sort of going about my day and I'm like, and I get like a full revelation of that dream and it just like got it Aloha.

Katanya Nova:

You also have to ask yourself too sometimes what you see last and also provoke your dreams. Like if you just watch a movie that bother you, it can also show up in your dreams. Ask yourself how was I? And this is also a good way for you to sort of get in tune with yourself, because your dream is, you know, when you remember I used the analogy of a computer You're a computer. When you put your computer to sleep, it's not entirely off, but you still have stuff, right, that's basically what's happening here. When you're in your dream state, your computer is on sleep mode, but it's still sort of it's not shut down altogether.

Katanya Nova:

Right To ask yourself, when you wake up, what was my state the night before I went to bed? Thank you, thank you for the roses, that's a great indicator and thank you for all the love taps. And thank you for getting me to 10,000, over 10,000 likes. Right now I'm at 12,100 likes. Thank you, guys. Ask yourself what was my state before I went to bed? What was I thinking of? What was? Is there anything bothering me? These are great questions for you to ask, because then you can start identifying your symbols. Thank you, guys, you can start identifying your symbols. Thank you, appreciate the kind comments and compliments and I've had people come to me and say I had this dream and sometimes I listen, I know immediately what it means and there are times where I'm like you know what, let me sit on that.

Katanya Nova:

And then, like I said, a few days later it'll just like oh, hit me. And I'm like oh, here's what's happened, here's my interpretation, I'm not going to judge it, I'm not going to. And then, when I share it to the person, they're like yeah, I see another, the last one of this, and I'm going to move on and also address other people's comments or questions here. Oh, when I dream of bugs. When I dream of ants, when I dream of bugs, I know exactly. I'm like oh, I don't get scared. It's like I was irritated when I see bugs in my dream 100% of the time. It never fails. I went to bed irritated Again.

Katanya Nova:

My symbols may be different from yours, but you need to start Getting into with yourself. This is also a great way for you right Again your emotional and spiritual awakening to self, so you can be at peace with yourself and not so scared. Oh my gosh, what did that mean? It's the world gonna end, but in reality, it's everything that's happening internally, mentally, emotionally, with yourself that you know. Life is a movie, life is a video game. Right, all right, let me go and see what other I'm going to move on and move away from the dream topic. Okay, so let's talk about this.

Katanya Nova:

We also talked about forgiveness, and I think this is a way more important topic than interpreting dreams, and I think I just want you guys to know that you have the ability to be observant of your dreams by being aware of your state and then connecting the dots for yourself. We talked about forgiveness because a lot of people are stuck, so you're hurting, and it's been what seven years ago. I'm going back to that, that message, so I can see it. So I don't forget, because I know when you guys pin it it doesn't stay on for a long time Hold on a seven-year breakup. So I Want to clarify this did you break up with this person seven years ago? Or you had a relationship with this person for seven years and you just broke up? But I guess that question is irrelevant. But it will be helpful if you can clarify that. Were you in a relationship for seven years and just broke up, or have you been broken up for seven years? That's what I want to know. Okay, so I'm just gonna pick. It's irrelevant at this point.

Katanya Nova:

People get stuck, by the way, not your fault. You have to go through what you have to go through, but at a certain point you have to realize One who are you? But I'm just gonna address this anyway, because this is such a common thing that a lot of people go through and have a lot of. It's very common when people get stuck and and relationships are one. But here's the thing there's got to be a point in time where you, you got to Awaken to yourself and say who have I become? Me dwelling on this for so long. Who have I become? Again, this all goes back to forgiveness. One you have to forgive yourself. What is worth holding on to From a relationship that is no longer present in your life? But the what is the purpose of holding on to something that is no longer present in your life, but you're dwelling on it way longer than you need to and you're only the one putting yourself in prison. You're the only the one who's getting yourself stuck. I share all this without. I don't want you to think that I Am not mindful of what a person goes through, because pain is pain, and this is where, again, it's the process of awareness to say, hey, you know what? Yes, this is painful, yes, I am no longer in this relationship, yes, that person meant a lot to me, but right now I need to be more for myself. I need to love myself more at this very moment, because I'm not living my life. I'm stuck. I'm going to forgive myself part of grieving and A lot of people die all the time.

Katanya Nova:

Not even a lot of people grieve not by the death of a loved one, but people go through grieving process like they lost a loved one through lost relationships. You're very welcome and the thing about it is you have to Accept the situation and a lot of people, the reason why they are hurt is they haven't accepted the situation and the best way and, by the way, relationships are let's just say this hard truth about life I would think it's not wanting to move on without that person. But again, it's self-inflicted, right, a lot of people's misery unknowingly, it's no one's fault, it's self-inflicted. It's self-infliction of misery. So if you are Sitting there and saying out there, that person, they hurt me so much or I miss that person, I wish everything will just go away if this person comes back in my life. I love them so much and it's sort of like you have just lost yourself in a ghost or an Entity of a person that you're holding on to. Right, yeah, it is so hard feel to swallow, but relation is so hard truth, hard truth.

Katanya Nova:

No one in your life and here's the thing may not be entirely true for everyone, but except the fact that you can't control another person and you may not be in that same relationship with that person forever, I Let go of that idea. When you let go of that idea, you make it easier for you, but it's sort of you know, I'm in this relationship and I'm going to do my best in this relationship. I'm gonna accept the fact that if this relationship doesn't work out, I'm gonna. I'm gonna go through my grieving process and it's gonna be painful and you know what I assume all of the things that comes into being in a relationship but I accept the fact. If this has to end, I accept it. It's holding yourself accountable.

Katanya Nova:

But while in that relationship, not Feeling and moving in fear that you're going to lose that relationship, you actually walk into relationship Assuming all of the negative, hard truth about relationship, but going into relationship saying you know what? Because I know that things can change at any time and Maybe three years down the road we may not be together, or five years down the road we may not be together. I'm going to do my best to nurture and love and show up At my very best in this relationship and it is, it is conscious effort, right, and I'm just sharing this with you. Again, you don't have to agree with me, you don't have to do anything, I'm just sharing perspective. You don't own anyone permanently, but who are you with for the rest of your life? Who are you with for the rest of your life. You, pal pal, thank you, but again, go in relationships, not fearing but showing up with your best, being at your best, but accepting the fact there is a probability that the relationship may not last. And who will I become? There's a thing ask yourself who have you become you? You are no longer you if you are tied to an entity. When I say entity, it's sort of like a ghost, right, and you're reliving again a lot of what you feel is all internal it's you remember. You now have installed the program on your computer One million desires, thank you. So think about this every time, because you are a computer.

Katanya Nova:

When you get into a relationship, you're installing an app. You are installing an app on your computer and it does take time to heal. I'm not Trying to take away from a person's process and experience, but there's gotta be a plan. By the way, the process of healing is you accepting Right for giving yourself and saying you know what? I accept that this is no longer here. What have I learned about myself in this from that relationship? What did I not like about myself while I was in that relationship? What do I still need to learn? This? These are learning opportunities. Right, it takes practice, absolutely, it takes conscious awareness. This is why awareness is key and, by the way, this is what I'm working on in my level two of my emotional intelligence series Unlocking your superpowers through emotional intelligence and the second part is awareness. Awareness is you Making better decisions for yourself.

Katanya Nova:

So when you get in a relationship, you are knowingly installing an app either on your computer or on your phone. Right, you play the app, you like the app and maybe even one day you're like, oh, this is boring, I don't like this app anymore. You are, I'm going with this. But guess what? You also have that choice. You have a choice, just like another person has a choice to say this app is not functioning on my phone as it's supposed to. I actually don't like it all that much. Actually, it's crashing my phone. It's taking up way more resources than I thought. There's a bug. I don't like it.

Katanya Nova:

So if a person decides to disable again, right, I'm just using this as analogy and you can know. And you have left. Let's just say your subscription ended. Right, the person is the subscription Subscription ended, but the app is still on your phone. You're very welcome. It's still there. It's still taking up space. It's still taking up. If you go through your app on your phone, then you don't realize there's actually apps that's taking up battery and it's just listening in the background. That's what's happening.

Katanya Nova:

And so, until you're ready, you go oh, my gosh, this is what's holding up, locking up my phone or your computer, draining my battery because it's your energy. Then you go oh, let me uninstall this and it frees up space, doesn't it? And this is the process of acceptance taking a look at it and really assessing it. Why am I holding onto this? Does this really bring me a lot of happiness and joy? And me holding onto it? Is it bringing me happiness and joy? Clearly it's not.

Katanya Nova:

If someone has been miserable holding onto an app that your subscription has been ended or disabled or you can no longer access it, but it's still sitting there until you uninstall it, until you accept it and you go through this process of acceptance and forgiveness of yourself, that I'm going to forgive myself that I haven't been as loving to myself as I should have, and you know what. I am grateful and thankful for, what I've learned in this relationship. Any ill feelings toward that person I'm going to learn. Every day. When it comes up, I'm going to release. Recognize that I'm going to release. This is forgiveness. It's not a one-time event. This is you.

Katanya Nova:

Every time you recognize a negative thought, a negative emotion holding onto something that's causing bitterness, and think about this. What it is that's happening is it's just you robbing yourself of truly living your life and creating. When you accept and release and forgive, you're making space. You're making space releasing your mind, releasing your heart, and not get stuck, not get bogged down of all the apps that are still on your phone and by the time you're just like you can't even function anymore. You have a phone or an app freeze up on you because you didn't realize that you're run out of space. You haven't purged out anything in your trash bin. You're running out of space. Same thing with you and Roderick right on.

Katanya Nova:

And so, stella, this is a great question and I'm going to end it with this question, and I'm going to end this live. Because I know it's late for some of you, feel free to hop off and thank you for all the likes. Love it. Thank you for all the likes. It's forgiveness, unconditional love. So, again, forgiveness is truly about you. I'm going to break down unconditional love because it can be taken out of context. Again. Unconditional love in what context? So, when it comes to you, because forgiveness is really for you. Yes, it's exercise for someone else, but really, when you forgive yourself and even forgive a person that has wronged you, you're also releasing that energy right, because if you are and, by the way, forgiving someone doesn't mean they have to be there in front of you. It could also be someone who's passed away, it could even be someone that you will never have contact, ever again, but you're still holding on to remnants of again. You still have the app that there's no longer no active company, no longer operates, but you still have that app still running, taking up resources. The unconditional love is to you. Dragonflow, you're very welcome. The Travis is forgiveness is respecting the heart by giving focus, attention to creating Absolutely, because when you're stuck, you're not creating for yourself. This is the unconditional love and grace for yourself. Thank you, sal Pal. This is really about for you, unconditional love to yourself.

Katanya Nova:

I think where people have taken this out of context is taken universal love and respect for others as unconditional love, because unconditional love has been misinterpreted as it's okay if you mistreat me, it's okay, if I've been wrong. You can continue to do that because I have unconditional love for you. It's not meant to be practiced this way or exercised this way, because that actually opens you up to predatory people who will continue to take advantage of you because you haven't had discernment on this place, love this place, trust this place, kindness. Because we've been conditioned, we have to show everyone unconditional love. Again, in what context, if anything else? Unconditional love applies to you. Unconditional love applies to children, who can't function without you as a parent. Unconditional love is applied to someone who may be sick and you have to care for them, regardless of what you're willing to defer for yourself to help someone else in the right condition.

Katanya Nova:

The topic here is forgiveness. Unconditional love for self is unlimited, unlimited. But you know what there is a shortage of with people? They don't give themselves unconditional love. They actually get into guilt and shame and self-condemnation and self-punishment. And the direction of unconditional love is handled in the correct way and then it's sort of the self-inflicted pain that keeps repeating and saying well, I'm going to find my worth and validation because I feel like really it's about neglecting the self. It's neglecting the self when it's outwardly everything that we've been conditioned to do that's harmed. A lot of people redirect that back to yourself and you do have to forgive yourself. I forgive myself every day.

Katanya Nova:

Stella, once perfect and, by the way, this is your process of living at peace with yourself. People want peace, but guess what Peace? You have to be at peace with yourself. You cannot possibly can go into a room with just your space and be like, oh my gosh, this is peaceful, but you can be in a beautiful space all on your own but also experience turmoil. Just think about this. Any situation, 100% of the person that's participating is you. Maybe moments where you're engaging with other people, but are you with people 24-7? You may be coexisting with them. Another person may be in another room, but guess who? You have full participation with yourself.

Katanya Nova:

So, going back to the forgiveness and again I'm going to wrap this up here is unconditional love. You have to give that to yourself. Oh my gosh, I messed up. All right. Now I know we're good. I love myself. I deserve me, learning through my mistakes, becoming a better individual for myself. How can I show myself more love and kindness? Right, but again, this takes effort. This may not feel okay to some people, especially if you've been used to like oh my gosh, I made a mistake, I'm such a mess up and no one loves me, and you see, it's you.

Katanya Nova:

You have the ability to reframe everything. You have the ability, but it's the start with forgiving yourself, and the practice is a conscious effort for giving. This brings you back to self and then giving yourself more love and it's not selfish, by the way. This is part of you having a better experience with yourself. When you have a better experience with yourself, you have a better experience with your life. That said, have a good night everyone. I'm glad you guys are all here. Have a great night. Remember, be aware of self, your emotions, your thoughts. You have a dream. Ask yourself what this means for me. Then you start to connect the signs and the symbols for yourself and, lastly, forgive yourself. Often, be aware of what you say to yourself and be quick to like oh my gosh, here I am again thinking, thinking, I forgive myself for thinking negatively about myself and I forgive myself of thinking negatively of someone else.